Take the lead back – sell your tickets yourself!

With a few clics, you can sell and customize your tickets, manager your registrations and keep control of your data.

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You don't have a website? Use Weezevent's mini-site.

Get a mini-website with a few clicks. It comes with a registration module and online payment features. You can customize the mini-site (background, colours, header, logo and images), its content (layout, pictures, videos, text blocks, etc.) and even its URL! What’s more – it is optimized to provide good referencing on search engines.

  • Be multilingual. Sell your tickets in other languages.

    Weezevent allows you to sell your tickets in several languages, easily and with no extra effort. French, English, Spanish, Italian are available!

  • Boost your sales and increase your attendees’ loyalty.

    Cre­ate as many promo codes as you want. The pos­sib­il­it­ies are end­less – offer free ses­sions, mem­ber­ships, tick­ets or dis­counts to your most loy­al cus­tom­ers.

  • Sell more with cross-selling.

    Sell more than tickets to your attendees with cross-selling campaigns. Offer products and services, e.g. clothes, goodies, valet parking, meals, parking space etc. at the moment of purchase.

Selling onsite is a piece of cake.

Weezevent’s ticket office is a professional service allowing you to sell your tickets on location and create dedicated points of sale for your partners. All you need is a tablet, a solid and ergonomic base and a thermal printer and you have a complete solution to sell your tickets physically. You can also use the online ticket booth with your own equipment. All of it is synchronized with your ticketing system!

Create event
  • weezevent-wf-illu-billets

    Tickets in your colours.

    Your e-tickets can be customized for free, just add the visual elements of your choice. If you want to go a step further and completely customize your tickets, the premium customization option can be applied to all your materials, i.e. e-tickets, passbook, thermal tickets etc.

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    Invitations made easy.

    Easily send event invitations to your partners, the media, and VIPs by email with tickets as a PDF attachment, and customize the emails to attendees. For business customers, Weezevent offers a dedicated platform to mail invitations directly and/or with RSVP. Allow them to deputize sending invitations to their partners by attributing batches on them.

  • Use your network.

    Receive additional revenues using referrals. Share your referral URL with your network. Your will be rewarded for all new registrations. Any account created using that URL will grant you 10 % of the pre-tax revenues of Weezevent generated for the first year by the referred planner(s).

  • Collect the information you want.

    Cre­ate as many cus­tom­ised forms as you want to col­lect the inform­a­tion you care about. Pick the fee for each form to bet­ter tar­get your attendees. Use this inform­a­tion to dis­play on the tick­ets or use the data to carry out mar­ket­ing and loy­alty cam­paigns so you can bet­ter meet your attendees’ needs.

  • Customize your ticketing plug-in.

    The Weezevent ticketing module can be tailored to your colours to better integrate with your website and its colour scheme. Everything can be customized on Weezevent - prices in categories or sub-categories, the shopping bag’s timer, what triggers a sale, etc.

A prime location, with Weezevent numbered seating.

You can choose to dis­play a 2D or 3D image of the loc­a­tion of your event. Com­bine free seat­ing areas and seated areas. You also get to choose the alloc­a­tion meth­od best suited to your event, i.e. auto­mat­ic, on map or both. You can set up the seat­ing cat­egor­ies of your ven­ue and thereby offer dif­fer­ent prices based on seat­ing loc­a­tion. Of course, all Weezevent tick­et­ing options are avail­able for your seated events!


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